

Do you have an afterschool program? Unfortunately, we do not offer after school care at this time.

What hours are you open? We are open Mon – Fri from 7:30 until 5:30.

What happens if I arrive after 5:30 to pick up my child. A late fee applies for any child who is picked up past 5:30. Picking up from 5:31-5:40 will result in a $10 late charge. Every minute past 5:40 is $1 per minute. For example; a child picked up at 5:36 would be charged $10, one picked up at 5:46 would be charged $16 and so on.

Is the registration fee refundable? The registration fee is not refundable.

Is the registration fee charged yearly? Yes. Registrations are renewed each August. If you enrolled during the current year, you are not charged a registration fee until the following year. For example, if you enrolled December 3, 2022, you would be charged a renewal fee in August of 2023. If you enrolled February 8, 2023, you would not be charged a renewal fee until August of 2024.

Do you provide food? We provide a morning snack for children in the front building. However, parents are responsible for providing all beverages, lunch, and afternoon snack. We do partner with Catering Thyme, a local catering company to offer you the option of having hot lunch delivered Monday through Thursday. Please refer to “About Us” to read more about our “Meal Options”.

Do you offer refunds or discounts if  (1) the school is closed due to inclement weather, (2) on days TLT has a scheduled closing, (3) if my child is absent due to illness?  No.  We do not offer refunds for any of the above situations as we are still obligated to pay our employees on these days.

Do you follow New Hanover County Schools weather closings?  No.  We make independent decisions regarding weather related delays and closings.  The safety of our families and staff members is always the number one consideration when determining whether we will change our normal hours of operation.  This announcement will be made through e-mail and sent to families via our Procare application.